Mercado do Vidro

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Get glass packaging is now even easier!

The Mercado do Vidro comes from a strong business of supplying glass package and its lids with appropriate solutions to its customers and their needs.

This innovative project offers the possibility of purchasing any type of glass packaging in individual packs, at competitive prices and at home.

The Mercado do Vidro undertakes to respond to the customer needs by presenting a range of diversified products and an efficient service at the right time.

Through this new platform you will be able to see, compare and buy glass packages for the several uses, from wine to food, from beer to olive oil and even their lids. 

The Mercado do Vidro is a fast, convenient and secure way to buy your glass packages. With just one click and you can monitor the entire process from purchase to delivery.

This platform has a dynamic of quality and innovation, a solid knowledge and is 100% safe for its customers, compromising with responsibly, effectiveness and efficiency in all the instances.